Tuesday 24 July 2012

XX. Scene

During this weekend I've been working on my storyboard and thinking a bit more about my set.
How a result I've changed a bit my set. Firstly I was doing a set with three panels dividing my scene with three zones or scenes to project over every one individually. But thinking on the projector and the sizes I need to construct, my set was probably too much large for to be inside the projector's light and have a good image quality, so I had to try to found a solution to resolve that. 

After some tests I concluded I would do only one set, with only one part and it'll be less large than three panels, but more large than one. The size will have a aspect ratio like 3.1 that's more large than a 16:9 and it's like a ultra panoramic view. 

To imagine how it can be, here there are an image that illustrate it, and the size I chose is 2.75:1 (source: wikipedia)

And the follow image represents my final set, and what I'll construct with paper:

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